Thursday, May 31, 2018
Warblers, direct watercolor painting, 5/31/18
Ok, so I picked 4 reference photos from CCNAB, (Classic Collection of North American Birds). My paper already had some frames or large thumbnail boxes drawn out. Each one also had a couple paint marks where I'd made my first attempts. From there I just painted directly in watercolor without under drawing.
30 + ideas for painting exercises to practice working faster, 5/31/18
Ideas for exercises to practice doing faster art, as a counter action to the impulse to get hung up in overworking art. Tues, 5/29/18 Catinka Knoth ...continued through 5/31/18
One page of notes is transcribed to text here. The other pages are photos of notes. Maybe I'll transcribe at some point. I write in pencil but at least had them converted for cleanup. Still hard to read....
1. set timer at one minute, two minutes, five minute, etc.
Work from references:
art examples
subject pics
2. make slideshows with preset timed changes
3. work from Videos, TV shows
4. take pics from the book and make into a slideshow
5. Print ref pics onto cards to turn over with timer
6. work with others – change refs with neighbors at timer signal
7. do memory sketches from a walk, a days experiences
8. Sketch on a boat ride, harbor tour
9. Sketch on a walk
10. Create a scavenger hunt with others, that is a timed return. Sketches of the finds are the validation
11. Work/sketch at various activities, events, locations:
Musical performances
Sports events
- Limited parameters for ones exercises:
- Make a list of limited parameters for art exercises
- Choose one of the exercises by desire or choose by lottery/chance
Made version #1 list earlier. Should be lots of overlap between the list!
More notes on the subject, need transcribing to text.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Flamenco dancers and music, direct watercolor, 5/30/18
Monday, May 28, 2018
Breakfast remains, direct watercolor, Memorial Day, 5/28/18
Direct watercolor, as I understand it, means that you don't get to map it out with underdrawing before you paint. It means therefor that you hold a lot of shapes in your mind while you paint so that you can leave spaces for them. I also leave lots of white channels to keep paint/color areas from running together - because I don't want to wait for things to dry. People often notice that and say how much they like that style. It is merely a matter of convenience though - not something I do for how it 'looks' - thank you for that appreciation regardless though!
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Cat, (or Lynx?), in red flowers, 5/26/18
I can find myself happy and thrilled to have done a thing on one day, determined to turn around to do it again the next day, only to find all the desire has fizzed out, and especially feeling, 'oh no, not again!'
Perhaps it is the posting that makes it a bigger deal and more like 'work' or a burden. ...So then, collect a few before doing a post. ... we'll see how it goes.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Cat, dandelion, hummingbird, azaleas, black crayon drawing coloring page, 5/25/18
Obviously not watercolor! Found an art challenge that is based around doing 30 art works in 30 days. The point being to get in the practice of doing something on a daily basis. Direct painting in watercolor means getting right into the painting without underdrawing. But only because it is a new direction for some artists who recently tried this method as an experiment. In the light of trying it and sharing their experience with it, they set up this whole event, (for June), to join in doing it that month. The theory being that if others are doing it together one might find it easier to stay with the challenge, thereby growing one's self!
I came across the FB group because of 'direct painting', a technique I often use at my kitchen table but not for scene and on location painting. All depends on the subject too.
But I like very much the idea of making anything on a daily or almost daily basis. I have not been doing that at all. Checking into the group and suddenly finding feedback I could give on various questions, got me thinking/wanting to play too. The structure is informal enough. That suits my purposes.
I did a quickie direct painting yesterday,(oh so quick, also shown here)...But today, I did not have water on hand for painting where I was sitting. I'd have to work in crayon. So for now it is just a bw crayon drawing. Help yourself to print it out for coloring. I can put up a PDF of it somewhere. The PDF I just printed out is full sheet, same as the drawing.
I may try this later as 'direct painting' watercolor. We'll see! That actual challenge starts in June.
Monday, May 21, 2018
Warblers and songbirds, student drawings and exercises display, adult art class, 5/21/18
#1 continuous line - draw from the photo without lifting your tool from the paper
#2 stencil style - color in shapes as if you are coloring in a stencil
#3 outline stencil style - outline as if you were tracing a stencil
#4 outline/coloring page - draw the image as if you are making a coloring page
Final drawing - do it any way you want. Do it in wacky colors if you want!
Friday, May 18, 2018
June adult art programs with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Library, 2018
Press Release:
May 18, 2018
"Birds, Blooms, & Berries" - June Adult Art Classes with Catinka Knoth, at Rockland Public
Library, 2018
Rockland - Local artist Catinka Knoth will lead a series of free drawing
classes for adults on creating birds and floral or berry motif art and
cards, at Rockland Public Library. Classes meet at 11am, Mondays in
June, 80 Union St, in the Friends Community Room. Participants will
create art using pencils, colored pencils, crayons, and sometimes scissors, with
an emphasis on drawing in color. Students do warm-up practices before
working on final drawings. Each week is a different bird and plant
combination - birds such as hummingbirds, cedar waxwings,
and cardinals. Knoth will give instruction and guidance.
She invites students of all levels to come make art in this communal and diverse environment.
Each week is a different subject:
06/04 Hummingbirds & Rhododendron
06/11 Cardinals and lilacs
06/18 Cedar Waxwings & cherries
06/25 Red, White, and Blues!
Knoth provides the classes free of charge, with materials supplied.
Friends of Rockland Library host the workshops, which are open to the
public. FMI Knoth at or Rockland Library at 594-0310.
Knoth paints watercolors of Maine, and whimsical animal scenes, which
she offers as cards and prints. She also teaches a free weekly
children's drawing class at Rockland Public Library, sponsored by Wendy
and Keith Wellin. For more information about Knoth's work visit
Attachment: Artwork (and photos) by Catinka Knoth - demonstrations, and studies
June Children's Drawing Program at Rockland Library with Catinka Knoth, 2018
06/05 Summer activities and visits to the seashore
06/12 Father's Day cards
06/19 Floral scenes and summer gardens
06/29 4th of July Celebrations

Monday, May 14, 2018
Lily ponds, herons, egrets, and a touch of perspective, adult art class student display, 5/14/18
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Mother'Day flower basket drawings and papercut tree sculptures, children's drawing class, 5/8/18
May baskets, drawing with broken crayons - adult art class student art display, 5/7/18
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Frogs - broken crayon style and line drawings, adult art class, 4/30/18
We also did line drawings of frogs.
For references we used the art of Arthur Rackham, from an Aesop's fable, The Log King, and a sumie painting containing lots of frogs.