Friday, September 30, 2016
Halloween Coloring Booklet pdf to download, and Etsy link testing.
Instead I have uploaded pics of the booklet. This text link goes to the Etsy listing for my printable download. Halloween printable coloring booklet
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
A grange hall and apple picking - student art displays, adult and kids' drawing classes, 9/26 &27/16
For the kids Apple drawing or Appletree lesson class we did a border and drew some marks and designs as a little warm up before making the picture. The scene was an apple tree drawn with a continuous line, with lots of loops and curly cues. Loops colored red are like apples in the tree. There were bushels of apples, apple drops and apple pickers to draw, and maybe a pie on a checkered table cloth. Someone drew a kitchen with all the fixings for making apple pie and cookies.
Monday, September 26, 2016
October Children's Drawing Classes with Catinka Knoth, at Rockland Public Library, 2016
Subject: October Children's Drawing Classes with Catinka Knoth, at Rockland Public Library, 2016
Press Release:Fall and Halloween Themes for Free October Children's Drawing Classes at Rockland Library, 2016Rockland - Children, and those young at heart, will explore fall and Halloween themes in the ongoing drawing classes led by Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public Library, 80 Union St. The "Let's Draw Together!" workshops, geared for ages 6 and up, also welcome adults. Library policy requests that children 10 and under have an adult accompany them. Classes meet every Tuesday from 4-5 p.m. downstairs in the Friends Community Room.October's subjects may include: autumn leaves and trees; pumpkin patches and scarecrows; owls, bats, and cats; haunted houses; and a spooky Halloween with Jack-O-Lanterns, witches, goblins, and more.10/04 Autumn leaves and trees10/11 Pumpkin patches and scarecrows10/18 Owls and bats and cats10/25 Spooky Halloween with Jack-O-Lanterns, haunted houses, witches, goblins, and more.The workshops, sponsored by local patrons Wendy and Keith Wellin, and hosted by Friends of Rockland Library, are free and open to the public, with all materials provided. Participants draw along with Knoth's demonstrations. She expects students to be able to work independently for the most part. Knoth, a Rockland artist, is known for her watercolors of Maine scenes and animal drawings. Her work may be seen at For more workshop information, call Jean Young, children's librarian, at 594-0310

October Adult Drawing Workshop Series with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public Library, 2016
Subject: October Adult Drawing Workshop Series with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public Library, 2016
Press ReleaseAutumn Themes Free October Adult Art Workshop Series with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public Library, 2016Rockland - Catinka Knoth offers drawing October's autumn themes, with a focus on drawing in color, 11 a.m. Mondays, in October, (no class Columbus Day 10/10), in the Community Room, Rockland Public Library, 80 Union St. Led by Knoth, participants will create their own colored drawings of apple motifs; fall leaves; autumn landscape scenes; and Halloween pumpkins. Knoth provides the classes free of charge and open to the general public, with materials supplied, and Friends of Rockland Library hosting. FMI Knoth at 691-5544 or Rockland Library at 594-0310.Knoth will provide instruction and guidance in drawing October fall themes. Each week is a different subject, as follows:10/03 Apples and apple trees10/10 No Class - Library closed, Columbus Day10/17 Autumn leaves10/24 Fall scenes10/31 Halloween pumpkinsKnoth paints watercolors of Maine and whimsical animal scenes, which she offers as cards and prints. She teaches a free weekly children's drawing class at Rockland Public Library, sponsored by Wendy and Keith Wellin. For more information about Knoth's work visit art by Catinka KnothCatinka Knoth241 Broadway, Apt. BRockland, Maine 04841207-596-0069, 207-691-5544Website:Blogs:Prints at Fine Art AmericaFacebook Artist Fan PageYoutube channel:'Catinka's expenses fund' campaign at GoFundMe:
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Apple Stovetop dessert experiment #4. Apple mini cake! Sunday, September 25, 2016
Add five heaping teaspoons cutlery teaspoons flour, with pinch of salt and c. 3/8 cutlery teaspoon baking powder.
Mix that dry stuff well.
Cut it in with the butter sugar cinnamon mix.
The apple has been prepared separately. Either a small tart apple is good in little pieces or a medium apple from which you have taken away or eaten one quarter. Keep the skin on!
Take a bit of butter and work that into the apples.
Work apple pieces into the dry flour butter mixture.
Add liquid! I threw some water into the remains of a mayo jar so I could clean it out a bit and used that as my liquid so I don't know how this will turn out. Neither do I know how much I used.
Mix it up quickly - don't want the flour to turn glutenous.
Butter your little tart pan.
Put the batter in it.
Set it in whatever place you will cook it - I used my stovetop rig, (see previous posts).
I cooked for an hour because I was doing stovetop.
Now we'll see how this tastes!
(Ingredients are about the same as in the previous posts)
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Apple dish/cake/pie dessert experiment #3?, Saturday, 9/24/16, afternoon
My apple bough watercolor,
here on my FineArtAmerica page/shop as prints in different sizes:

and, on my Etsy as a digital download to print and fold at home!
Apple Bough watercolor frenchfold notecard printable by CatinkArts
Friday, September 23, 2016
Middle of the night apple tartlette
I used a different bread - sliced yeast dinner roll.
Spread the butter/sugar/cinnamon mixture on the bread instead of dotting it.
More careful of the time. At least I know it cooked for 45-50 minutes.
I cannot say yet whether it burned or not.
And, I have not tasted it yet
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Apple tartlette experiment - bread crust!
The mixture was c. 1 T. butter, 2 heaping t.'s sugar, and (?) 1/4 t. Cinnamon. I am guessing amounts since i do it all by eye.
The little tart goes into aluminum commercial pie tin into the fry pan. Put tinfoil loosely over this. Cover with another pie tin. Cover the whole fry pan. Cook on the stove top at low heat - just at that edge where things brown but don't burn right away. If you cook too long, yes, it will burn. I was busy with something, so this did burn, but not so badly that it was a deep burn, or that it did not taste good. Neither do i know how long i cooked it for or how soon it can be ready. It is the apples that need to get soft so that the juices really soak down through. Next time I'll try to mind better. I could not resist to eat a bit before getting the pic. The whole reason for making this is that i don't really like the apples when they are still too green. These are just a bit too early. But it is supposed to be a bad apple season here this year. So I bought some now at the supermarket - the somewhat local tote kind.
Though this was made with smallish pieces of bread, they did form a crust from the butter mix and juices dripping down through. I trimmed what you see here into half the tartlette and could pick it up in my hand to eat. It stayed together.
And some apples in a tree where I have not been apple picking for several years. An apples watercolor as a frenchfold notecard to download, print out, and fold. In my Etsy shop
Some summer kids' drawing class art, 2016
Classic Maine scene with Marshall Point lighthouse - boats, seagulls, lobsters!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Cat and Star ink drawings #2-4, ping files
Cat sails the seas at night
Flies in the night sky among the stars
Cat swims under water with the fish
Cat sees a light in the sea.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Fwd: Werner Jakstein 1954 journal, 5 spreads pages, 18-27
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: Werner Jakstein 1954 journal, 5 spreads pages, 18-27
Catinka Knoth
241 Broadway, Apt. B
Rockland, Maine 04841
207-596-0069, 207-691-5544
Prints at Fine Art America
Facebook Artist Fan Page
Youtube channel:
'Catinka's expenses fund' campaign at GoFundMe:
Butterflies and barns, student drawings from kids and adult art classes, 9/6/16 & 9/12/16
The barns: we did exercises in coloring somewhat architectural plane shapes - one version is to draw the shape in outline and color it in, the next version is to color it into an imaginary outline. After some practice we worked from the reference photo, Harjula's barn here on Rte 131, in Maine, a previous September's scene. It was an experiment to see what happens if you draw the basics of the barn and scene in black crayon as in the coloring in practice, and then work some color on top of this drawing. It would be a kind of grisaille crayon drawing.
Testing gif image upload again. Star watches cat climb into boat, ink drawing.
This is one of the drawings from the book/story/coloring book i've been working on and off for years. Comes and goes in spurts. Here: in which Star watches Cat as he climbs into his boat for some sleep.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Cat and Star ink drawing (as a png file this time.
The set of eight cat and star ink drawing scans I uploaded earlier don't seem to be showing well. If you click on one you get an inverted version of it. As if the whole thing is black with light white chalk marks. I'm trying to find out why. They are gif files. I know gif files used to do that in certain circumstances but I don't know why. So this image is a png file. Let us hope it works better.
Cat and Star ink drawings
Finally got these drawings for my cat and star book scanned all over again. The first set are still locked up in my old dead laptop. I am pretty sure I can get at them, but don't know just how yet, (for several years now). Finally decided to just go ahead and re-scan. In re-scanning I see that several of the drawings don't match the rest of the set. They were done with pen and ink rather than brush and ink. Maybe I will have to re-draw them. Not sure they would work with a brush though. I'll think about it. ...And, it looks like I may just upload a few tonight. These take a long time to upload.
At last that bunch came through. 8:46 pm starting second upload of 6 images.9:03pm the second batch is up.
and, 9:13pm the last four, at last - dial-up connection, a very slowww one at that. Yay!
And after all that, blogger would not allow such a large upload by mobile/remote.
What is the max size? I'll try half the pics. ....9:38 pm
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Marshall Point Light watercolor paintings and more for fundraiser silent auction to benefit Marie Ilvonen's humanitarian aideworker mission.
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Marshall Point Light, Port Clyde, Maine - monochrome original watercolor painting by Catinka Knoth, 2009 |
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Marshall Point Light, Port Clyde Maine, original watercolor painting by Catinka Knoth, 2008 |
Rockland -
Art lovers can see and bid on original watercolors of Marshall Point Light and more at the Lesvos Refugee Relief silent auction to raise funds for Marie Ilvonen's trip as a humanitarian aidworker with refugees and volunteers in Lesvos, Greece. Sandy Weisman, Wendleanne Agunas, and Representative Anne Pinney Beebe-Center co-host the auction, Saturday 5-7pm, 09/10/16 at Black Hole Gallery, 403 Main St. Donating artists include Simon van der Ven, Darlene Cocke, Nick Snow, Kathleen Florence, Catinka Knoth, Victoria Pitman and more.
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Lesvos Refugee Relief Silent Art Auction benefit for Marie Ilvonen's mission, at Black Hole Gallery |
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Marie Ilvonen |
Marie Ilvonen went the first time, to Lesvos, Greece refugee camp in May 2016. She was able to work setting up a transition housing complex for refugees, provide group and individual therapy in a refugee camp for the most vulnerable and provide support for volunteers suffering from secondary trauma and compassion fatigue. Her stay lasted two weeks.
Ilvonen felt compelled to return so that she could continue and expand her work. Expenses for the trip involve housing, food and transportation on the island, and providing for individual and programmatic needs in the camps. She will continue her work in the camps and her work with volunteers on her second trip.
Ilvonen's usual line of work is psychotherapy and health coaching. When asked what prompted her to want to do this volunteer work, she replied, "We live in a time when we all must choose between hate and fear or hope and compassion. And, when I watched the news reports last fall and saw the trauma on the faces of the refugees in the boats, I knew I had to do something".
Supporters will find creations by artists Simon van der Ven, Nick Snow, Kathleen Florence and many more contributing art to this silent auction. This offers people a chance to participate in a community effort to fellow human beings elsewhere in the world. "It strengthens our bonds with our fellow man." says artist Catinka Knoth.
The Black Hole Gallery at 403 Main St, Rockland, is new to the growing art scene. A fundraising auction or an opening reception all serve to enrich the experiences of people's lives. People have the chance to connect with friends and new found acquaintances and to view artwork from a spectrum of artists. The artworks always offer viewers a different perspective of the world - from viewing a scene as interpreted in a single color, and varieties of mediums, to art in limited palettes. The culture of exhibiting and selling art can often seem as if it just a business proposition, but its core spirit is about man's need to share and exchange his inner perceptions and possibly move others to try new perspectives. It is also a way of communicating with the future - the ancestors yet to be - and to keep weaving the fabric of life.
Gallery website: