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Monday, April 4, 2016

Circus Puppet Dance - little triangle papercut acrobat clown puppets dance to the March of the Gladiators

My little triangle papercut  acrobat clown puppets dance to the March of the Gladiators, (circus music). This is 'danced' & recorded with my laptop's little built in iSight  camera/camcorder, with the music playing from the laptop. I wanted to dance the puppets to the music rather than add the music later. Did you know you could get midi files of old music, throw them into GarageBand and the tracks populate into however many voices are in the file. You can change the tempo too. I don't have a lot of instruments to use in my GarageBand. Here all the voices are playing as different pianos. But, it sounds good enough to  dance the puppets to. I could use practice in dancing these puppets. Also, at the end I could not see the set-up well enough to turn it off at the right spot. The light glared too much and I just could not see what was going on! Finally got it. Now I can't stop hearing the music in my head.


  1. I am not seeing any video. Maybe it did not post, or maybe it is my browser?? I can try again

  2. ok - i reposted. I'm wondering if the whole thing needs to load into the sharer in order to post to the blog. It went in to FB with no problem, so???
