Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Autumn walk around my block, Saturday, 10/28/17 - squirrel, acorns, leaves, little buddy....
(Dictated - so lots of doozies and just a few edits!...)
Afternoon walk something I haven't done in ages I somewhat went out with out any real agenda. Maybe I would find something's to bring home maybe I would remember somethings it was justto start myself giving out there for a walk. Right off the bat a squirrel seem to be hollering at me yeah that's right I was poking around at the acorns I was finding on the ground and then I heard the squirrel . I did wonder if he was cock hollering about me or about something else I tried to get pictures of him I hadn't realized how hard it would be to use the iPhone for pictures on a walk because there's so much potential for dropping it it doesn't have strep hanger. And doesn't like cold fingers when you're trying to take a picture. So I kept finding things on the ground it up in the tree with the squirrel I turned the corner. And there was a beautiful red Maple leaf on the ground. So again I had to stop and take a picture of that leaf and then Who? comes along my cat! He had found me on my walk! It wasn't that good about posing for the camera though because he was nervous about the Broadway noise and also the work being done at the first building on the other side street. That's right I had stopped and asked the workmen what they were building. They were making a kitchen bigger or something like that. OK cat kept following me - we went through the parking lot behind the old schools oh and the first thing is I saw as we turn the corner was patches of dandelion greens new ones! So I had to pull one out a big handful of one out because it look like it would be can make good sautéed greens. And that wasn't going to be able to stuff in my pocket I was going to have to hold onto that until I got home. I took pictures of the drying out Angel what are they called cats . Period. Period… at the end of the parking lot is a small oak tree with more not red but a nice color leaves and those were still on the tree as I had remembered they were a few winters past - I took some pictures of them. And then that driveway that comes down into the parking lot was quite filled with the luggage puddle. There was room to walk along it but it was still in it had wonderful reflections in it so I took pictures of the reflections.
Before I could take the picture though I heard a car behind me and the driver did not want to get in the way of my picture and was prepared to wait for me I told her just go ahead because otherwise I'll be rushed OK so she went through the puddle
and the puddle rippled up, but quickly enough was smooth. I wanted to get a picture of the school building as it reflected in the puddle. I got that. All along I could hear crows in the distance calling each other as they often do at that hour right before the sun sets. Cat kept coming along being a little bit edgy with whenever you heard sounds that worried him and he was always on the lookout of course as we got closer to Broadway there were sirens and several ambulances went by. Will have to find out where that was. On Broadway the busy street at the traffic zooming by the cat was not happy he even yelled in distress when we got to our house you went across the lawn to get to safety – our porch rather than go going to the back, and he came I didn't with me. I had intentions of writing this perhaps in pencil into my notebook that I did this with a few years back, but I couldn't find it that's enough I've no idea where I put that. So I'm just dictating whatever I remember of my little Jonte. It is really fun to take a walk to see what you will see, to see what you can remember to know things on the way. I also got ideas for their is missions that you can set for yourself I'm such a walk– I'll make a list of some ideas later. I also had the idea that I could do some sketches or drawings of this stuff that I brought back with me no old equals a couple of C wings what are they call those helicopter things the very skinny lobed Oakleaf that I found. My wad of dandelion greens is at least sitting in some water. Later I'll figure out how to clean it. Earlier I was looking forThe name of that plant that I saw her simple queen in place of a burger that one. Queen Anne's lace the plant thank you! Lots of this writing won't make as much sense as I would like it too because it's dictation I did a few corrections long way but there's some doozies in there. I leave them for their humor.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Owl n Cat n Bat, step-by-step drawing 10/24/17
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
November adult art programs with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Library, 2017.
October 24, 2017
Woodland Animals and November Themes Adult Art Workshop Series with
Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public Library, 2017
Rockland - Catinka Knoth will teach drawing woodland animals and themes
of November, with a focus on drawing in color, 11 a.m. Mondays, in the Community Room, Rockland Public Library,
80 Union St. Knoth leads participants in working with colored pencils
and crayons to create their own colored drawings of woodland animals and
November themes. Students will use a variety of exercises and methods to
help develop new ways of seeing, observing, and designing. Knoth
provides the classes free of charge and open to the general public, with
materials supplied; Friends of Rockland Library host. FMI Knoth at
691-5544,or Rockland Library at 594-0310.
Knoth will give instruction and guidance in drawing November's themes.
Each week is a different subject, as follows:
11/06 Deer
11/13 Woodland animals
11/20 Wild turkeys & pheasants
11/27 Native American motifs
Knoth paints watercolors of Maine and whimsical animal scenes, which she
offers as cards and prints. She teaches a free weekly children's drawing
class at Rockland Public Library, sponsored by Wendy and Keith Wellin.
For more information about Knoth's work visit www.catinkacards.com.
attachments - art by Catinka Knoth and students.
November programs children's drawing classes with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Library, 2017
Monday, October 23, 2017
Fall autumn scenes, exercises, adult art class display, 10/23/17
We also did an exercise of using negative spaces to create the tree trunks of birch trees. If you color in the background, adding texture to it, then you can add those little dark details of birchbark to the trunks. Keep the marks light or they will sit too far forward of the trunks - everything has to be in relationship to each other.
Sunday, October 22, 2017
English muffin, flatbread, no knead sourdough flatbread, stovetop frypan oven
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Veggies?! We love tomatoes! Repost/ hope both pics post this time
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Monday, October 16, 2017
Autumn leaves, art displays from kids' adult drawing classes. 10/10-16/17
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Testing if I can email this to my blog. FB has been down as other options are
Testing if I can email this to my blog. FB has been down as other options are
On etsy trying this in reply to FB down - anyone else! I have not been able to make it take.
Have not been able to google, send from yahoo, post by tracfone text, or even here. An hour now... 1:49 pm
I get it but cannot post, comment, reply. Same w my yahoo mail. Could not send or save a draft. Also could not do a google search.
Have not been able to post or reply to FB for c. 20 min now...
If I can send yahoo mail. Cannot post to FB, or reply, and could not search on google. 12:40 - 1:13pm 10/11/17
Monday, October 2, 2017
October Adult Art Programs with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Library, 2017
Autumn Themes Free October Adult Art Workshop Series with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public Library, 2017Rockland - Catinka Knoth offers drawing October's autumn themes, with a focus on drawing in color, 11 a.m. Most Mondays, in October, (no classes 10/2 or Columbus Day 10/10), in the Community Room, Rockland Public Library, 80 Union St. Led by Knoth, participants will create their own colored drawings of fall leaves; autumn landscape scenes; and Halloween pumpkins. Knoth provides the classes free of charge and open to the general public, with materials supplied, and Friends of Rockland Library hosting. FMI Knoth at 691-5544 or Rockland Library at 594-0310.Knoth will provide instruction and guidance in drawing October fall themes. Each week is a different subject, as follows:10/02 No Class - Library closed for staff development
10/09 No Class - Library closed, Columbus Day10/16 Autumn leaves10/23 Fall scenes10/30 Halloween pumpkinsKnoth paints watercolors of Maine and whimsical animal scenes, which she offers as cards and prints. She teaches a free weekly children's drawing class at Rockland Public Library, sponsored by Wendy and Keith Wellin. For more information about Knoth's work visit www.catinkacards.com.attachments: art by Catinka Knoth