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Monday, December 20, 2021

Scissortail flycatcher and leaping monkey. Drawings from #83 Sip & Sketch, 12/17/21

Scissortail flycatcher and leaping monkey. My drawings from #83 Sip & Sketch, 12/17/21 

Random memory list of images:
  1. Scissor tail flycatcher 
  2. Leaping monkey
  3. Octopus
  4. Surreal fisheye lens of view, man with an umbrella, trees inside a ring?
  5. Woman in a costume, pleated skirt
  6. Comedy tragedy faces by Ian MacKellan and Patrick Stewart
  7. Waiting for Godot
  8. Sweet peas
  9. Ribbon figure 8 chair, laminated or Bentwood

Remembered them all!

Sip & Sketch session #83, hosted by theater costume and set designers, Lisa Jordan and Cindi Taylor, 

Thank you so much for making these sessions possible. 

They curate a set of images for each session. Participants draw each selection at varying 'pose' lengths - from 5-20 minutes - until the timer rings. Then  participants may show their drawings briefly for a group screen shot in 'gallery ' view. These sessions take place virtually over Zoom.

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