Sunday, March 28, 2021

Triangle circus figures and animals

 We do this lesson, or some version of it, every year.The Circus  used to come to town in March. But they’ve all been shutting down. Cirque de Soleil went bankrupt during the pandemic, summer of 2020.

I’ll keep the story going awhile longer. As a kid I loved movie/story Toby Tyler..

Here’s how you can easily draw up some clowns and acrobats and circus animals. This is actually from an older post I did, but it’s the basic lesson. You can use my Demo drawings but so much more fun to invent your own.

  “A Circuses of triangle figures - acrobats, clowns, animals. Art lesson demo drawings,  3/28/16 3/29/16

Cut a sheet of card stock into quarters.

Invent  an acrobat or clown figure in each piece of card stock, (vertical format), by just drawing triangles. Make sure the joints have width rather than two points touching.

Invent four animals by drawing triangles on card stock quarters in horizontal format.

Color and/or decorate these figures.

Cut them out.

Arrange them on a separate sheet of paper. Tip them down with a few strategic spots of glue stick. Color/embellish the scene further.

Alternately, attach paper sticks to the back of the cutouts and hang off accordion fold backdrop.”


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