Friday, March 26, 2021

Black rose and faces busting out of spheres, my drawings from virtual Sip & Sketch Session #49, 3/19/21

 Black rose and faces busting out of spheres, my drawings from virtual Sip & Sketch Session #49, 3/19/21

Im writing this so late that I really can’t remember what we did. I left so early because I could not concentrate. The host sent me the image deck right away, so I could continue working.

Let’s see what I can remember. Memories return if you just start with anything you remember. In random order...

  1. A leaf skeleton
  2. A pile of  spheres with strange facial expressions coming out of them in relief.
  3. Fashion model in black gown and swooping black hat or headdress. Shiaparelli?
  4. Black rose, or cabbage photographed in black and white.
  5. Contemplative chimpanzee scratching side of its face thoughtfully.
  6. A face of surprise with wide open mouth
  7. Leopard cub or kitten - unusual pattern I think
And, after having another look at the images
  1. Suited seated figure holding a large bunch of balloons
  2. Indian elephant god sculpture
  3. Narrow street corner in Europe
  4. Relief sculpture of two robed figures - Hellenic heads/dress/style...this may have been from previous session ....

Thank you to hosts Lisa Jordan and Cindi Taylor for curating and holding these weekly online, (Zoom), drawing sessions. They started when the pandemic hit, as a way to gather and share and engage in soul enriching activity in community. The one year anniversary for the sessions is coming right up.

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