Saturday, November 30, 2019

Native American patchwork inventions, sun faces, Thanksgiving feasts, turkey drawings - art by students in adult and kids’ drawing classes, 11/25-26/19

Adult art classes started by drawing a series of 4 gridded rectangles on a single sheet. Place in horizontal layout. These rectangles were of varying ‘cell’ numbers. You may find these cell amounts in some of the examples.

‘Box’ A using a dark crayon, create a design or pattern across that grid. Create by coloring in various cells.

‘Box’ B pick two random crayons/colors and create another pattern/design.

‘Box’ C pick a third random color and do as above.

‘Box’ D choose 4 colors as you wish and make a design/pattern.

Final drawing: Reduce paper sheet down to the biggest square possible. Remove excess by cutting or very careful tearing. Fold square into 4 squares by 4 squares. Fold diagonals if you wish. Color squares to create something like a patchwork square.

Put all the these explorations up on the wall arranging to create one large image.

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