Wednesday, November 27, 2019

December Children's Drawing Workshops at Rockland Library, with Catinka Knoth, 2019

"Let's Draw Pictures and Cards for the Holiday Season!" 
 Press Release
Rockland - Children will explore motifs from the traditional celebrations of December in the free drawing classes at Rockland Public Library led by Catinka Knoth. Classes meet most Tuesdays, 4-5pm, in the Community Room, Rockland Public Library, 80 Union St. Children 10 and under need adult accompaniment. The program, sponsored by Wendy and Keith Wellin, is free with all materials supplied, and hosted by Friends of Rockland Library. Contact the library at 594-0310 for more information.

Christmas, Winter solstice, Chanukkah, and the New Year offer lots of imagery for creative fun. Students will create images such as holiday wreaths, trees, gingerbread houses, ornaments and decorations; Santa Claus, toys, & elves; reindeer and sleighs; gift giving and more.

12/03    Gingerbread houses & holiday decorations
12/10    Christmas & holiday cards
12/17    Holiday cards & winter solstice
12/24   No class, library closes early.
12/31    No class, library closes early for New Year's Eve

Class often starts with a period of guessing and brainstorming ideas for the session's drawing. Knoth then leads children age 6 and up in "follow along" drawings.  She expects children to work independently and encourages adults to participate by making their own drawings. If time allows, Knoth takes group photos of the students' work at the end of class.

Holiday Motif Demonstration Drawings  by Catinka Knoth

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