Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Bit of path to present, Mardi Gras Cat & Pig digital phone drawings, Daily Note, 3/5/19

Tuesday, 3/5/19, 6:47 AM
Sunny, 15°
8:33 AM – leg exercises in bed ✅ 
9:39 AM – breakfast eaten, corn tortillas with cheddar cheese melted and salsa, black coffee Hannaford's breakfast blend. And Cat is out already.
11:10 AM ready and waiting!

Name Women artists 5+

O'Keeffe, Frida Kahlo, Mary Cassatt, Rosa Bonheur(sp?), Helen Frankenthaler?, Ree Morton, Dahlov Ipcar, Judy Chicago,

Rockland Maine. I moved here from NYC in '92 and have missed it ever since! A brother and sister live in NY.. Another sister lives in MI. Our family had moved to MI my second year in art school/college. But we'd been coming to Maine for awhile. Most ties to Mtc were lost a long time ago. Reconnecting with that past here on FB has been such a surprising experience. Our generations tended to move away from where they grew up and never expected to be returning. So it is such a surprise to see people as adults instead of how they were when we left them!

Cat and pig on Mardi Gras, 'sig' drawing, 3/5/19, – CK

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