Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ash Wednesday and Cinderella, Missing cat, Mary Poppins, memory hog problems. Daily Note, 3/6/19

Testing sending w/out pics..and that works!

Wednesday, 3/6/19, 8:03 AM Ash Wednesday
Send me, 13° weather Sunday
Send me 13° 
sunny 13°
2:15 PM 20° slightly overcast

10:44 AM – leg exercises in bed ✅ 

Decided to try posting previous day's daily note to blog. I realized I can edit on there rather than pre-editing from here.

Finally found where to change time zone on the blog posts  format. Took a long time to find it – it's really hidden. We'll see how it goes to post a daily note. At least I saw I don't have to do it at the end of the day. I could pre- edit in the mail form.

Cat & Pig see Cinderella ,(Ashenputtel), on Ash Wednesday. Touch drawing 3/6/19, ❤️-CK

On Mary Poppins movies...
Well, even the old MP was too pretty to be mp...- if you were/are fan of the books. Maybe if they'd changed her name! One of the whole points about the character is that she was NOT pretty and yet she always admired herself. That is a theme running thru the whole series, and a very important quality and teaching. 

LaCie Fuel Seagate media app
Fuel media files stored on my iPhone and taking up 1.5 GB memory/space

Several years ago I bought the Fuel storage device for my iPad. I had to use it through my browser because there was not enough memory to update the iPad for the app, (or anything else). 
Now I also have an iPhone, which does have the Fuel Seagate app. I don't understand why the media files are also stored as 1.5 GB of data on the Seagate media app. This seems to be separate than my camera roll. How do I get rid of this data? It is taking up too much space. I am always running out of space on the iPhone.

Is my cat two timing? To the owner of a missing cat:

I looked it up - not that close but possible. Sometimes he takes a long time to come home. I have to go down and call/whistle for him several times. In warmer weather I let him stay out all night. He does often come home from across Broadway. He's a Bigfoot - extra digit cat - all four paws.

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