Friday, January 7, 2022

Grapes still life, and a chandelier. My drawings from Sip & Sketch #85, 1/2/22

Sip & Sketch #85, Sunday, 1/2/22

Images as remembered in random order
  1. Man walking on large ground clockface
  2. Baby Yoda dressed as New Year's babe in tophat
  3. AfroSpace couple
  4. 3 early face shots of Betty White, (pick one)
  5. Grapes still life, New Year's tradition in Italy 
  6. Tibetan prayer wheel
  7. Ring of maroon blossoms
  8. Pig wearing clothes pushing barrow of two kittens
  9. Chandelier in Lincoln center
Finally got them all!

Sip & Sketch session #85, hosted by theater costume and set designers, Lisa Jordan and Cindi Taylor, 

Thank you so much for making these sessions possible. 

They curate a set of images for each session. Participants draw each selection at varying 'pose' lengths - from 5-20 minutes - until the timer rings. Then  participants may show their drawings briefly for a group screen shot in 'gallery ' view. These sessions take place virtually over Zoom.

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