Friday, April 16, 2021

A Florida lighthouse like the Eiffel Tower - digital drawings, 4/9/21 Sip & Sketch Session #52

 Fri 4/9/21 Sip & Sketch #52, 4/9/21

Remembered, -  in random order.

  1. Lighthouse like structure in Florida almost like Eiffel tower
  2. Basket weave article with stuff coming out of the top
  3. Decrepit old entryway with a bicycle inside
  4. Old Afghani in a turban and ornamentation coloration all over his face, and cat’s-eye pupils
  5. Long haired brown tiger cat face with a very dark floral cloth or arrangement over the head.
  6. Scout with his rocks collection for some kind of Israel tribes GARDEN
  7. Circle of scouts around a fire in the middle shadows cast like the sun dial as they discuss something.
  8.  Tree roots - banyan tree. 
  9. I missed the Birds - I missed numbers one and two
My drawings in the strip as it comes from my tablet's notes. I draw in the tablet’s notes app using the iPencil. I do like it’s strong black, but hate how slippery it is. What am I missing that others rave about in using these media?

Sip & Sketch session #52, hosted by theater costume and set designers, Lisa Jordan and Cindi Taylor, 

Thank you so much for making these sessions possible. 

They curate a set of images for each session. Participants draw each selection at varying 'pose' lengths - until the timer rings. Then most participants show their drawings briefly for a group screen shot in 'gallery ' view. 

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