Saturday, January 30, 2021

Uniform officer/first responder plastic toy in front of an Apple , My Sip & Sketch drawings, Session #42, 1/29/21

Random listing of the image subjects:
Uniform officer/first responder plastic toy in front of an Apple
Graphic head shape of some kind of horned beetle
Big round vase with flowers in it
Bird marionette with a long beak and very thin arms and legs and a  ruffled collar
Big fat woolly ram with  huge curly horns
Guardian angel statues on either side of a staircase leading to pool of water that could be an ancient sewer system
Red white and blue balloons with an old red Double Decker bus, and a clown dancing in front.
Young woman wearing an odd shaped curled over tall hat and holding a long string with an orange balloon.
White form that could be a splash of milk or a figure stretching behind stretchy fabric....

Sip & Sketch session #42, hosted by theater costume and set designers, Lisa Jordan and Cindi Taylor. Thank you so much for making these sessions possible. 

They curate a set of images for each session. Participants draw each selection at varying 'pose' lengths - until the timer rings. Then most participants show their drawings briefly for a group screen shot in 'gallery ' view. These sessions take place online, in virtual video meeting format.

I've been drawing these with iPad and ipencil in my 'Notes' feature. When I've done 3-4 drawings, I save that strip in my camera roll, and start a new note/drawing. In the session  one can draw in any medium etc one wishes. I've only been using the digital medium because one night I had to hastily change my seating. I was too far from my 'real' materials, but the iPad was right at my hand. It quickly became an adventure of sorts. It is not without its own problems. It's very slippery for instance. But it also allows a good strong black - no pen dipping or dripping to deal with! And allows a fast stroke.   

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