Saturday, November 9, 2019

The time change, loss of light, and dread(?) coming of winter.

Text sent to family:
4:25 PM, 5 PM pitch black out! Sundown in Maine. I had to make a new ‘good things about winter’ list because I can’t find the first one, yet. Writing that had been a godsend, even though I never referred to it. I highly encourage people to make such a list. Love, Catinka

‘Rewriting’ some of that Lost Winter - good things about Winter - List.
Friday, 11/8/19, 7:45 PM

  1. Beautiful winter formations that made for good abstract photographs
  2. The pleasure of watching the animals go about their business no matter what the weather
  3. The coziness a storm inspired
  4. The /come Ratterree/ the camaraderie and community that one felt once the storm was over.
  5. Special recipes and ritual tradition food dishes
  6. The holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year
  7. Special holiday programs on the television and on the radio
  8. Martin Luther King day and the focus on that level of ideas to live by uplifting ideas
  9. The music of the holidays
  10. Making holiday decorations
  11. Baking holiday dishes
  12. Baking Christmas cards making Christmas cards not baking I said oh gosh she was getting so furious at that at that dictation the way it was misinterpreting her words. She had screamed at the dictation phone because of what it was typing out wrong way
  13. Lovely lights and holiday displays that people put out at night.
  14. The time for reflection and turning inward.
  15. Everything was so much sweeter when the warm weather finally returned just by the fact of the contrast
  16. Special treats only for winter special
  17. Special drinks only for winter
  18. The beauty of winter scenes not just the natural formations
  19. That black and white quality the positive negative The high contrast
  20. All the celebrations that happened in February-Chinese new year, Mardi Gras, Valentines    
  21. The challenge of dealing with the cold weather it was a personal challenge
  22. The cat stayed in for the night willingly, or somewhat willingly.
  23. Laundry dried easily
  24. It was conducive to lighting a candle and sitting at dinner with a lit candle.
  25. Giving gifts?

Limited editing because of ridiculous dictation app errors to have fun(?) with.

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