Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Trying to access ProQuest via remote sign in from our library ...

Work around just figured out to this problem! Found a bookmark I had that is the login for the Marvel database. We can sign in with our library card and barcode. I have had that bookmark for quite awhile and somehow had found it last night in my browser bookmarks. It all happens so quickly one forgets what one did, the path one traveled. Like Hansel & Gretel, one needs pebbles....

I have no clue what info to put in. I have no clue what I put in yesterday whereby I was able to use this digital resource. So frustrating and maddening to be playing these shell games with 'resources'. I spent hours on this yesterday - in tears over this going in circles. I have written down the steps as instructions for myself to follow the next time. I am signed in to my account in our library, but cannot find out how to get in to use ProQuest. I don't understand why it worked later...
And then again not now...
I used the html5 option for 'setting'(?) location. Maybe that never loaded completely...

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