Wednesday, January 24, 2018

February children's programs 2018

Press Release 

January 24, 2018

"Let's Draw February's Celebrations!" - Children's Drawing Workshops at
Rockland Public Library, 2018

Rockland -  Children will draw images from February's celebrations and
traditions at Rockland Public Library's ongoing drawing workshops led
by artist Catinka Knoth. Participants draw along with Knoth as she
demonstrates how to draw and make motifs for Chinese New Year,Valentine's
Day, President's Day, and Mardi Gras. Each week is a different subject:

2/06    Valentine's Day cards & papercuts
2/13    Mardi Gras
2/20    Presidents Day 
2/27    Chinese New Year Season - Year of the Dog

Sponsored by Wendy and Keith Wellin, the workshops, for age 6 and up,
are free and open to the public, with all materials provided. Knoth
expects participants to be able to work independently for the most
part. Children age 10 and under should be accompanied by an adult.
Ongoing workshops meet every Tuesday, 4-5 pm, Community Room, Rockland
Public Library, 80 Union St., hosted by Friends of Rockland Library. 
FMI - Jean Young, children's librarian, 594-0310.

Young artists will  draw a wide range of motifs. Valentine's Day cards often have motifs such as hearts, birds, cupids, lace, ribbons, and roses.  Mardi Gras motifs include masks, King cakes, doubloons, jazz instruments, jesters, tricorn hats, and beads. In honor of the presidents and Black History Month, students might also explore  classic portraits and scenes. Chinese New Year 2018 is the Year of the Dog. Participants may explore traditional zodiac papercut  designs, Chinese dragons, and Lion Dancers.

Attachments: whiteboard demonstration drawings and art by Catinka Knoth


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