Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Deer drawings and exercises, student art display from kids' and adult drawing classes, 11/6 &7/2017

Both adults and kids drawing classes started with the same exercises. We made four rectangles on a sheet of paper.
1) crisscross perpendicular lines, 11 lines. 
2) crisscross diagonal lines, 13 of them
3) crisscross arcs, seven of them
4) draw overlapping triangles of varying sizes - nine of them.

Now, in each of those rectangles see if you can create or find some kind of figure. Color in in one color. Use a different color for each figure. You can either find a figure or make something up as you go along -doesn't matter. You might want to mark it with an eye or dark spot for an eyeball. Also good to make a note on each box of what the parameters were – i.e. how many lines, what kind of lines.

Then we turned to the drawings of   KEN HULTGREN as references for 
drawing deer running in the fields. 
Kenneth Hultgren was an animator for Disney. He wrote a book on drawing animals which is a wonderful reference for practicing animal drawings. The book was written around 1951.

I do a follow along drawing and the students draw with me. 

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