Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The circus comes to town - triangle acrobats & clown paper puppets, adult and kids drawing classes, 3/27-28/17

Cut card stock into four quarter sheet approximate postcards. Invent figures composed entirely of triangles. Figures should reach several edges of the cards, (ie keep your figures large if possible). Decorate these figures as clowns or however you like. Cut them out. Arrange them on a new sheet as you like. Trace around the figures in this arrangement. Use that tracing as a new picture to color as you wish. Attach paper sticks to the back of your puppets and have some fun with them.

Adult class we slapped together a circus backdrop and perched the puppets on top. We could just as easily have danced them in front of the backdrop. Depends where you put the sticks.

Kids class we have less time, so the puppets parade on the wall.

Have fun!


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