Monday, March 13, 2017

St. Patrick's Day greens play, celtic designs, motifs, Adult art class 3/13/17

In advance of St. Patrick's Day, we explored making greens using the yellows and blues in a box of 24 Crayola crayons. Woe unto  those who have big boxes of crayons! Only the colors from the 24 set allowed. So - yellow, dandelion, blue, indigo, blue green, and cerulean.

Working across the length of the paper, draw a stripe of each color, labeling each color as you go. Do it as you go so you don't get mixed up. Now do the same with vertical stripes. Note on your paper that you have done horizontals first followed by the verticals next. This is so that the next time you look at this sheet you will know how you did it. This is a study that gives you a chart of green possibilities possible with that box of crayons. We forgot to write that bit of info down! You can see differences also just in the way individuals press down on their crayons. We are assuming that we can see the different effects from which color goes down first. We are quite sure that we have done both ways here.

Then we worked on card stock and folded up a generous equal width border. Do a horizontal fold first. The horizontal fold is easier to make parallel because it is going with the grain of the paper. You must make sure that short edges should line up along the perpendicular edge. Now, how do you measure the perpendicular edges so they are the same width?

At  the intersection of the  fold and the perpendicular edge, fold that short section back onto the long fold. You now have a measure for an equal width perpendicular. Fold that perpendicular edge back along that measurement. How do you make sure it is perpendicular? By making sure the first fold little section is lying/lined up along itself. Repeat this procedure for opposite side. Then do the remaining edge.

You will have four corner boxes with only one diagonal in them. Fold criss-crossing diagonals in these corner squares. You now have a built in design to start you off. Decorate the frame using as simple or complex designs as you wish but work with your newfound green inventions. In the center panel draw what you wish for St. Patrick's Day.

You can reference the  sheet of celtic design samples that Dover Books sent out years ago. They are stencil designs. Keep your print-out small as this is a low-res image.



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