Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Holiday cards calligraphy style, gingerbread house drawings, student drawings, adult and kids' art classes, 12/5&6/16

In adult class we did some calligraphy/script style marks practice before using these marks to make Christmas trees, wreathes, and other motifs. We used two colored pencils taped together to create an interesting double line.
Kids class we made a variety of marks in the border area of our papers. Students followed along with me. They tried to guess what the marks might 'be', but I managed to keep mum. It is fun to hear the kids try to guess why something is going on. It is also interesting to simply let them keep wondering and THINKING and watch how well they work things out for themselves.
We raced through at the end in tracing from a pattern that they at least got to color as a gingerbread house. They would have to wait til they got home to cut it out and put this together as a little paper house model or object, (rather than just a flat drawing). You see the beginnings of one in the display.
The pattern should have two longer oblong panels and two ends panels that include the roof peaks. My pattern has the wall panels all in one row. One could add the opposite wall to the roof section instead. The roof is formed by the two oblong panes jutting out between the peak ends. The pattern includes tabs for gluing. I say this because the cut out model on display here may be missing one of the long walls/panels.
I will try to add some version of the pattern here for people to make their own paper gingerbread house models.
The rough paper house pattern is now on the next post up:
Small paper house pattern

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