Monday, June 6, 2016

Hummingbirds and Rhododendron, class drawings and lesson, adult art class, 6/6/16

Student art.
My demo drawings in 'dark' crayon, so that class could see.
Rhododendrons right ouside the library today after class.
My lesson samples photo shows the progression steps of our practices. Some further ideas popped into mind while drawing, or whenever someone asked a question! (Note the list hanging below the lesson samples.) Use any decent hummingbird photos for references.


  1. This is a wonderful refreshing post to the day. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Petrina! I must find a way for this blog to notify me when it gets a comment. Only just found this. I use this blogger because i can do it by email. That also means i forget about checking it. Thank you so much for appreciating. We did birds thru out June. We will do coastal floral Maine scenes thru July. Hope you had a nice4th
