Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Spring artwork from kids and adults classes 2016 - baby animals, peepers and baby birds in nests, spring flowers, May baskets and Mother's Day

Spring flowers class - we started with some exercises to get a feel for flowers in space, in their volume. I ask people to reduce them to cups and saucers. We draw these at various angles, and further develop them by adding axes propellers. We drew compositions using this conceptual structural method in black crayon. Then came the fun of coloring.

In the spring peepers lesson, there was a bit of an 'argument' over which drawing was more colorful and why one of them appeared to be more colorful. (Sometimes I cannot keep the kids from competing.)

May baskets and Mother's Day cards both classes did  'broken crayon' drawings. We did some experimenting and practicing first to see the different kinds of strokes we could get by using the side of a crayon flat against the paper. Depending on the angle you push and pull the crayon, you get varying stroke widths. If you twist the crayon somewhat like a compass you can get a circular or disc like shape.

There is also a set of baby animal drawings by child and adult, with a cat, pig, calf, and lamb.


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