Saturday, February 6, 2016

Day after our snow storm, walk, 2/6/16 -journal notes, memory sketches, photos

Day after our snow storm, walk, 2/6/16 -journal notes, memory sketches, photos
Photo/Camera/Tech Notes: This time I reset the white balance in the camera for the journal notes n sketches. Instead of 'auto', I used 'incandescent' setting though this is a twisty bulb lamp, (whatever they are called, fluoro-carbon?), as the overhead lighting for taking photos of the sketchbook. A solution that keeps the yellow right out of the pic at last. They did still need the auto brightening adjustment after that.
Testing also to see if multi photo upload results in posting the same order or alters the posting order. I have been uploading to online email client one at a time' That has been resulting in posting just as they were uploaded and not by their file name order.

1 comment:

  1. I just adore your sketchbook sharings...especially of "your cat". Please, never stop.
