Monday, September 28, 2015

St. George Grange - student drawing adult art class, 9/28/15.

St. George Grange - student drawing adult art class, 9/28/15. practice 1) drawing straight parallel lines in a variety of ways, including standing vs. sitting!
2) draw front face plane of the building by
a) outline then colored in.
b) colored into imaginary outlne w/out outline. Use light blue crayon
3) draw side of building w white crayon in both
a) outline colored in
b) colored into imaginary outline
color over and past these invisible white shapes w a darker crayon. The white crayon will resist the darker crayon just enough to show the white coloring as different from the color area

Final drawings:
1) draw the scene w. two crayons, (one a dark crayon). Use a dark crayon to capture negative shapes and large areas.
2) do a continuous line drawing of the scene. Color it,

And here now is my photo that we used as our reference. The building has been beautifully painted since this photo was taken.  Aah but we like the stories that the old paint speaks of. The members of this grange work very hard to raise money to maintain the building.

They hold the best public suppers ever. One of my favorite places, and the few places that hold on to a spirit of Maine and its people that we love so dearly.

Catinka Knoth
241 Broadway, Apt B
Rockland, ME 04841
207-596-0069 or 207 691-5544

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