Saturday, April 25, 2015

May Children's Drawing Program at Rockland Library, 2015

Press Release:
"Let's Draw Marvelous May!" - Children's
Drawing Workshops at Rockland Public Library, 2015

Rockland - Children will draw Mother's Day cards and May baskets,
migratory birds, Memorial Day themes, and marsh life  at this month's
children's drawing classes led by Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public

The ongoing workshops, sponsored by Wendy and Keith Wellin, for age 6
and up, (including the young at heart), are free and open to the
public.  Children age 10 and under should be accompanied by an adult.
Knoth expects participants to be able to work independently for the
most part. The workshops provide all materials. Classes meet every
Tuesday, 4-5 pm., Community Room, Rockland Public Library, 80 Union
St., hosted by Friends of Rockland Library. FMI - Jean Young,
children's librarian, 594-0310.

May is also American Wetlands Month. Children will explore marsh and
wetland habitats by drawing such animals as egrets, frogs, and beavers.
International Migratory Birds Day is another May celebration and a
chance to draw Spring warblers and other migratory birds. Knoth leads
attendees in step-by-step drawing instruction for the day's theme. She
encourages adults to participate and discover that drawing is for

5/05    Mother's Day cards & May baskets
5/12    Marsh & Wetlands Life
5/19    Memorial Day
5/26    Migratory birds

Demonstration drawings by Catinka Knoth -

Catinka Knoth
241 Broadway, Apt. B
Rockland, Maine 04841
207-596-0069, 207-691-5544



Prints at Fine Art America

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