Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Inline image
Freehand watercolor, 'stencil' style, CK, 3/17/15

It is such fun to paint this way. The paint is like liquid jewels as it flows off the brush and onto the paper. The design just develops as you go. No idea ahead of time. Started by folding an equal bordered frame that uses square folds in the corners  as a measure. Decorate that. Then paint something of more presence in the large central panel. Most of the ornamentation in the frame is basic calligraphy strokes, but painted with a 1/2" sign/lettering brush, (called a one-stroke).
Catinka Knoth
241 Broadway, Apt B
Rockland, ME 04841
207-596-0069 or 207 691-5544

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