Monday, July 14, 2014

Beach roses scenes inventions - demo drawings & exercises, adult art class, 7/14/14.

Draw lines of repeated marks.
Draw two waving lines like paths - of varying paths. Place the marks, one kind to a line, on the lines like a necklace.
Re-create those lines, those necklaces without the guidelines.
Make two largish organic shapes, with an outline, and fill them in with one of your marks - a different mark for each shape. Re-create those shapes using the marks, but no outline, and no outlining with marks either.
Re-create those shapes again coloring them in with green, leaving white spaces where there would be flowers, so you're really just filling in the background - and again no outlines.
Final drawing: draw a margin around the edge of the paper so that you stay off the edges. Do a very quick continuous line drawing of an imaginary landscape. Color it in quickly - use marks if you like, symbol marks, calligraphic marks.


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