Monday, March 24, 2014

Circus figures from squares, triangles, circles, and ovals. Student drawings, adult art class, 3/24/14

Shapes into figures: 
Divide 8.5 x 11 card stock into quarters 
Divide first box into rectangles of various sizes and proportions touching each other - like a quilt, a crazy quilt. 
Box 2- triangles 
Box 3- circles 
Box 4- ovals 
Cut out the shapes. 
Create a figure out of each set of shapes:
One at a time, tracing around the shapes as you go, and creating your composition or design as you go.
Option 2: Create the figures on cardstock or copy paper quarter pieces. Cut out the figures. Use them as templates  to create a large composition. Many more options to try as well! 

Demo drawing in random order but at least numbered:

Catinka Knoth
241 Broadway, Apt. B
Rockland, Maine 04841
207-596-0069, 207-691-5544



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