Sunday, May 29, 2022

Birthday cupcake and wacky haircut dogs. Drawings from Sip & Sketch #101, 5/27/22

My drawings from Sip & Sketch #101, 5/27/22
Image list as remembered in random order.

  1. Dancer in a scissors costume
  2. Still life with grapes and fruit and Book
  3. Drops of glass or water in yellow and green but like two figures
  4. Andy Warhol hairstyle puppies
  5. Model with Strange unusual drapery
  6. This was missing
  7. Chocolate fudge cupcake loaded with striped birthday candles – all lit up
  8. Mausoleum
  9. Woman in face paint make up and headdress


Sip & Sketch session #101, hosted by theater costume and set designers, Lisa Jordan and Cindi Taylor, 
Thank you so much for making these sessions possible. 
They curate a set of images for each session. Participants draw each selection at varying 'pose' lengths - from 5-20 minutes - until the timer rings. Then  participants may show their drawings briefly for a group screen shot in 'gallery ' view. These sessions take place virtually over Zoom.

Tulips, camel in the desert with the Egyptian Pyramids, Sip & Sketch #100, 5/20/22

Images list remembered in random order for Sip & Sketch #100, 5/20/22
  1. Bug or something odd - moth?
  2. Three yellow tulips - draping heads down
  3. Yellow multi petaled flower like a dahlia
  4. Camel with pyramids
  5. Strange fashion shot
  6. CP3W robot from first Star Wars movie
  7. Dark head seen from above as if it's coming out of a table– character from  Dune
  8. Tomato
  9. Easter island monoliths(?) sculptures - heads

Hosted by theater costume and set designers, Lisa Jordan and Cindi Taylor.
Thank you so much for making these sessions possible. 
They curate a set of images for each session. Participants draw each selection at varying 'pose' lengths - from 5-20 minutes - until the timer rings. Then  participants may show their drawings briefly for a group screen shot in 'gallery ' view. These sessions take place virtually over Zoom.