Friday, June 30, 2017

Cat & dog visit the Craft tent. Crayon drawing coloring page.

Cat and dog find wind-chimes, jewelry, paintings, note cards, nautical tee shirts, sewing items, seaglass when they visit the craft fair at the 4th of July celebration.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Summer activities, hummingbirds, cardinals, waxwings, floral scenes paper boxes - June 2017 classes, kids & adults, student art displays

Summer activities, hummingbirds, cardinals, waxwings, floral scenes paper boxes - June 2017 classes, kids & adults, student art displays...Hope to describe further another time.


July Children's Drawing Classes at Rockland Public Library with Catinka Knoth, 2017

Press Release:

June 25, 2017

"Let's Draw Maine Memories of July!" Children's Drawing Workshops at
Rockland Public Library, 2017

Rockland - Children will explore drawing Maine memories this July at
the weekly drawing classes led by Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public
Library. Knoth invites participants to follow along in drawing a
variety of motifs. July themes will include subjects such as: favorite
cats & dogs from Maine books; Rockland - buildings & landmarks of a
Maine town; marine mammals - harbor seals, whales, porpoises; and
classic Maine scenes.

7/04 July 4th Holiday - no class/library closed
7/11 Let's draw favorite Maine cats and dogs!
7/18 Let's draw Rockland - landmark scenes of a Maine town!
7/25 Let's draw marine mammals!

The classes, geared for ages 6 and up, (including the young at heart),
meet every Tuesday, 4-5 pm., Community Room, Rockland Public Library, 80
Union St. Library policy requests that children age 10 and under have
adult accompaniment. Knoth expects participants to work independently
for the most part. FMI - Jean Young, children's librarian, 594-0310.

Wendy and Keith Wellin sponsor the ongoing workshops, free and open to
the public, with all materials supplied. Friends of Rockland Library

Attachments: Demonstration art and photos by Catinka Knoth

Catinka Knoth
241 Broadway, Apt B
Rockland, ME 04841
207 691-5544

My website:

Notecard sets to order:

"Coastal Maine Floral Landscapes" - July Adult Art Classes, 2017

Press Release:

June 25, 2017

"Coastal Maine Floral Landscapes" - July Adult Art Classes with
Catinka Knoth at Rockland Library, 2017

Rockland - Catinka Knoth will give a series of free drawing classes
on depicting Maine coastal floral scenes, at Rockland Public Library,
80 Union Street. Classes meet in the Community Room, 11 a.m., most
in July. The first scene may revisit Knoth's painting "Lupine at
Mosquito Harbor, Martinsville..". Participants will create art using
pencils, colored pencils, crayons, and scissors, with an emphasis on
drawing in color. Each week is different scene. Knoth will give
instruction and guidance. She invites students of all levels to come
make art in this communal and diverse environment.

Each week offers a different scene to explore:

7/03 - No class
7/10 - Lupine coastal scene
7/17 - Oriental Poppies
7/24 - Rosa Rugosa - Beach Roses scene
7/31 - Florals at Marshall Point Light

Knoth provides the classes free of charge, with materials supplied.
Friends of Rockland Library host the workshops, which are open to the
public. FMI Knoth at 691-5544 or Rockland Library at 594-0310.

Knoth paints watercolors of Maine and whimsical animal scenes, which
she offers as cards and prints. She also teaches a free weekly
children's drawing class at Rockland Public Library, sponsored by Wendy
and Keith Wellin. For more information about Knoth's work visit


Catinka Knoth
241 Broadway, Apt B
Rockland, ME 04841
207 691-5544

My website:

Notecard sets to order:

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Cedar or Bohemian Waxwing birds - Exercises and studies/practices in watercolor, 6/20/17

Tuesday, 6/20/17
First some wash practices on decent copy or multi-purpose paper. Aim for getting down a sloppy mix that lets the pigment and water do its own thing. While those sheets are drying, practice capturing the birds, (from some photo references you have found), by painting only the darkest parts. Do a whole bird at a time that way. You can see there is only the face mask, some wing tips, and legs/feet. You have to imagine the rest of the bird in order to place these markings as one bird, and not a chopped up bird. When a sheet of washes is dry, paint a bird as previously. Add some painting in the negative areas to bring out the bird.

These birds gather here in early spring picking old berries off the fruit trees. I want to know where they go after they have cleaned up.

In adult art class on 6/19/17 we did variations of this, drawing with crayons. Students were to select two crayons/colors randomly. (Blindly take two crayons out of the box. If they are too similar, put one back and pick again. No white crayons either.)