Thursday, November 26, 2015

Monday, November 23, 2015

Native American motifs, art by kids and adults, children's drawing class, 11/17/15. And, whiteboard demonstration drawing.

My buffalo is still more imagined than observed, even tho this time there was a photo on hand. And, hopefully the canoeist can use the kayak paddle!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Maine birds whiteboard demo drawing, 8/11/15

Hawk, loon, Canada goose, chickadee, barred owl, sea shag/cormorant, and puffin.

Burnt Island Light and Portland Head Light, Maine, from my ImageKind art page

You can find these prints at my little gallery page on ImageKind.

 And, here in my Etsy shop as digital download notecards:

Burnt Island Light, Boothbay Harbor, Maine

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Victorian paper scrap turkey, (from Dover Publications)

Our reference for the turkeys we have been drawing. A Victorian paper scrap turkey, (from Dover Publications). I need to make one facing the other way too!

And, you can find it here!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Roasted potato and leeks, my stovetop version.

Made this dish last night in my stovetop oven 'invention'. It is almost that tinfoil packet hobo cooking. The food sits in tinfoil and gets a tinfoil cover. (Cut potato in half flat wise and place skin side down.) That whole 'packet' goes inside two tinfoil pie pans, then into the cast iron fry pan, covered also. It cooks on the stovetop, low medium heat. It may well burn. This one did. ... I dribbled olive oil over it all before cooking it. It was probably done before i took it off the heat. ... Slide it into the bowl and put cheddar cheese on the potatoes. Cover it again with as much as you can, even the pot holder, for a little while - just so the cheese will melt. After cooking just now, I took this pic, and wrote these directions. Took a few nibbles of the leeks before i started writing. This has been on my mind all evening and day, since it was so delicious last night. We hope it is just as good tonight. This serves only one. It is a red potato, and one third a hefty leek stalk (lengthwise). I only trimmed off the very ends. When it cooks that crusty it gets either very soft or crumbly crisp and papery - and sweet! Enjoy.

Turkeys for Thanksgiving! The drawings I did while class did theirs.
The basic lesson was all done from one Victorian paper scrap reference image, (which I can't get to upload now).

Draw a turkey using calligraphy strokes, in 3 randomly selected crayons. Next, draw a turkey as a black and white colored in stencil drawing. Then do the same, but use 3 random crayons. Final drawing: Draw the turkey in pink, yellow, or orange strong outlines. Color in so that those strong light lines show. A 'cloissonne' crayon drawing. Perhaps also try a stained glass version! The reference for all of these is a Victorian paper 'scrap' from Dover.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

Chipmunks & squirrels, exercises and drawings, 11/9/15

My demo drawings, inspired by the drawings of Ken Hultgren and found here I think. or, just search bambi drawings Ken Hultgren and click thru to the image selection.
(this link may be garbled?)

Catinka Knoth
241 Broadway, Apt B
Rockland, ME 04841
207-596-0069 or 207 691-5544

My website:

Notecard sets to order:

My blog:

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November Adult Art Workshop Series with Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public Library, 2015

Woodland Animals and November Themes Adult Art Workshop Series with
Catinka Knoth at Rockland Public Library, 2015

Rockland - Catinka Knoth will teach drawing woodland animals and themes
of November, with a focus on drawing in color, 11 a.m. most Mondays,
(no class November 23rd, in the Community Room, Rockland Public Library,
80 Union St. Knoth leads participants in working with colored pencils
and crayons to create their own colored drawings of woodland animals and
November themes. Students will use a variety of exercises and methods to
help develop new ways of seeing, observing, and designing. Knoth
provides the classes free of charge and open to the general public, with
materials supplied; Friends of Rockland Library host. FMI Knoth at
596-0069 or Rockland Library at 594-0310.

Knoth will give instruction and guidance in drawing November's themes.
Each week is a different subject, as follows:
11/02 Deer
11/09 Woodland animals
11/16 Wild turkeys & pheasants
11/23 No class
11/30 Native American motifs

Knoth paints watercolors of Maine and whimsical animal scenes, which she
offers as cards and prints. She teaches a free weekly children's drawing
class at Rockland Public Library, sponsored by Wendy and Keith Wellin.
For more information about Knoth's work visit

attachment - Stencil style crayon turkey drawing by Catinka Knoth

Catinka Knoth
241 Broadway, Apt B
Rockland, ME 04841
207-596-0069 or 207 691-5544

My website:

Notecard sets to order:

My other blog, CKnotes:

'Catinka's Expense Fund', GoFundMe campaign:

Apple tart, stovetop, for one, (or two), and unorthodox recipe.

I mostly cook by eye and feel, so the measurements are my guestimates. I always do butter and sugar and flour first, in that order. Then add liquid by feel as needed. That skips the whole sticky stage. Doing this method one quickly develops a feel for how much liquid is needed. But the fat and dry ingredients must first be well blended. Also means you don't overdevelop gluten strands in yeastless breads and cakes.

This is the morning after pic. I ate two wedges last night. Also, I forgot to use cinnamon!